Smithtown Christian School Long Island Elementary



The SCS elementary Bible curriculum for Kindergarten through Grade 3 is Purposeful Design. Students are given an overview of the Bible with an emphasis on God’s attributes, biblical characters, the early Church, and what it means to know Jesus Christ and live for Him. Grades 4-5 use the Answers in Genesis curriculum to study evidence for the Christian faith and continue to build a Biblical worldview.  Students at all levels regularly memorize Scripture and read classic literature about influential Christians from the past. The elementary Bible curriculum also addresses the Ten SCS Outcomes of character, relationships, convictions, worldview, intellect, communication, wisdom, servanthood, talents, and influence.

The Kindergarten through Grade 2 reading program emphasizes phonics skills, but also includes some literature based instruction as classroom teachers introduce books by different authors or with a different theme each month.  A Beka and Reading Street by Scott Foresman curricula are used on the elementary level, along with the Fountas and Pinnell benchmarking assessment system which provides structure and tangible data in evaluating student reading ability and progress with the goal of guiding teachers to tailor instruction to demonstrated needs of their students.

Language Arts
The SCS elementary writing curriculum includes Bob Jones University Press materials for cohesive grammar instruction and as a springboard for writing skills. SCS students study spelling regularly. Penmanship (including cursive writing) is also taught.

SCS uses the Bob Jones University Press Math curriculum for Kindergarten through Grade 5. Reasoning and problem-solving skills are emphasized along with learning how math reveals the nature and character of God and is relevant to everyday life. The traditional curriculum uses direct teacher instruction along with manipulatives to foster student involvement and understanding. Differentiated strategies are incorporated to meet the needs of diverse students and a worktext allows for regular practice of math skills.

God, as the sovereign Lord and Creator of all matter, is our source for discovering the world around us, and the mysteries of the universe. Students from Kindergarten through Grade 5 will explore and investigate the world God has created through a biblical lens using curriculum from Bob Jones University Press. Our program will provide students with the opportunity to acquire the life-long skills needed to explore, investigate, analyze, experiment, and draw conclusions about the topics they encounter in science. Hands-on approaches and regular labs motivate students to learn and encourage them to participate. Students practice problem solving skills, develop positive scientific knowledge strategies, learn established truths, discover new scientific content, and increase their science literacy as they see the glory and power of God revealed in new and exciting ways.

Our history curriculum in Kindergarten through Grade 5 comes from Bob Jones University Press, which is designed to study history chronologically with a Godly perspective. Among the many topics to which the students are introduced are geography, the United States government, and the growth of our country and its freedoms. 2 Peter 1:3 states, “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.” Through history, God has provided us with many opportunities to develop in young minds the understanding that our country was founded on godly principles, and that people of all races and diverse backgrounds have contributed and helped to shape America by God’s design. In turn, America has had profound influence on the peoples of the world. Through geography, students will gain understanding of maps and diagrams, and also will be able locate their country, continents, states oceans, rivers, and will understand the formation of communities. By studying government, students will learn the purpose of government and its branches, the purpose of presidential leadership, and the importance of the freedoms that God has provided us.

Weekly Specials
Physical Education (twice per week)
Library (Visit our Virtual Library here.)
Elementary Band (Grades 4-6)
Elementary Chorus (Grades 4-6)
Elementary Orchestra (Grades 4-6)


New Teachers Bring Talents, Passion & Mentoring

SCS has expanded its faculty this fall in order to better serve students as enrollment has grown by 20 percent. This fall we welcome 5 new elementary faculty and 2 secondary faculty members.

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PHONE: (631) 265-3334
FAX: (631) 265-1079


Host Families Needed
for International Students

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New Outdoor Campus
Dedicate a Family Brick

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  • ​" The service-learning program at SCS goes hand and hand with Christian education. Students learn about loving Jesus and helping those in need. Then, they practice what they learn by going out and being the "hands and feet" of Jesus to their communities. "
    Dr. Anna Ramos, SCS parent

  • " Knowing that our children are going to school and learning about Christ and hearing biblical truth that is not altered has confirmed to us over and over that SCS is the best choice we could make for our kids' education. "
    Doug & Kelly Jansson, SCS parents

  • " If you aim for heaven, you might get earth thrown in, besides. Aim for heavenly values by sending your kids to Smithtown Christian School, even if it means sacrifice. "
    Daniel Buttafuoco, SCS Grandparent

  • "SCS has been an incredible blessing to our family. Knowing our children are in a Christ-centered environment where they are loved, nurtured and prayed for by their teachers and other members of their school family is so important to us. "

    Rachel Cardwell, SCS Parent

  • "It's impossible to enter this school without coming into the presence of God. It's the only thing that can change lives and because of the faithful teachers, staff and culture of SCS, it changed mine."
    Pastor Jeffrey Eichenlaub, SCS Alum