As part of our Annual Fund, SCS has begun a new giving opportunity for you to consider: This campaign, called Gideon’s 300, welcomes members of our extended SCS family to give $1,000 (or more) annually and become “one of the 300” in this special donor circle called Gideon's 300 .

God called the 300 to do an incredible work of freeing the people of Israel from Midianite oppression in the book of Judges. SCS is in need of 300 individuals from our alumni, parents, SGT church members, local churches, business partners, and staff who have the desire and ability to pledge $1,000 or more annually to this campaign as part of growing our Annual Fund.

These monies vitally support and sustain our campus' daily operations and continue to grow the mission of SCS--to raise up the next generation of Christian leaders. As one of the 300, you will receive quarterly newsletters detailing an inside look at the wonderful happenings at SCS as well as two complimentary tickets to our annual Accelerate Event.

Give $1,000 (or more) today and become one of the 300. Thank you and may the LORD bless you for giving to SCS!  


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PHONE: (631) 265-3334
FAX: (631) 265-1079


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Dedicate a Family Brick

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